We are halfway through 2022! Whew, post-COVID time is not waiting for anybody. So let's check in on your goals and vision for the year. The year's halfway point is a great time to reflect on the first half of the year and revisit the goals and/or vision board you made at the beginning of the year. How are you tracking on your goals for the year? Are you accomplishing your goals? Do some things need to be re-evaluated?
We are currently in a New Moon, from June 28 to 30, which makes this an especially great time to reflect. What is a New Moon, exactly? Astronomically, the New Moon refers to the point at which the moon is directly in between the earth and the sun. The sunlit side of the moon is facing away from Earth, so it seems as if the moon is gone and the sky is dark. Symbolically, or astrologically, the New Moon represents a fresh start for each month, which is the perfect time to set intentions for what you want in the month ahead. This is a great time to be especially conscious of your thoughts and emotions, what you're drawn to, your progress, and what an emotionally fulfilled life looks like to you.
Here are some questions to ask yourself to evaluate your year so far and set (or recommit to) your intentions for the month and remainder of the year ahead:
- Have my actions been in line with or moving me closer to achieving the goals I set for this year? Are there any actions or people that are counterproductive to my goals?
- What goals have I accomplished or made progress toward for the year? What goals, if any, do I need to re-evaluate?
- Are any of my thoughts or emotions contributing to me feeling stuck?
- How am I nurturing myself?
- What are my intentions this New Moon for the month ahead?
You may want to journal on these questions, and make note of your intentions. Write it down, make it happen. Take advantage of the supportive energy of the New Moon to create the reality you desire, and revisit these answers and intentions in two weeks during the Full Moon.